ThreeSixty Research Market Update – October 2016


  • In September equity and bond markets were dominated by investor concerns around the timing of the next US interest rate hike.

  • Crude oil prices rose 8% on talks from producer countries of possible cuts to oil production levels.

  • Chinese economic data continued to show that economic growth is being supported by strong housing construction and government stimulus measures.

  • The US economy is growing at a modest rate but the rate of employment growth has tapered off in recent months as the economy approaches full employment.

  • The Eurozone economy is performing in line with expectations but more recently investors have been concerned with the health of some of the banks, particularly in Italy.

  • Australia’s economy has been benefiting from strong housing construction and growth in the services sector but consumers have become more cautious in recent months.

If you have any questions regarding this report or would like to discuss your portfolio, please contact me directly.

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