ThreeSixty Research Market Update – November 2016


  • In October equity and bond markets were both a little weaker as investors worried about higher US interest rates and the outcome of the US elections.

  • Crude oil prices were about 3% weaker as oil producer nations failed to agree to production cuts.

  • Chinese economic data was relatively good helped by infrastructure and housing construction activity.

  • The US economy continues to grow moderately with some evidence that wages growth is picking up.

  • The Eurozone economy continues to grow in line with long term trend rates and business sentiment in both the manufacturing and services sectors has improved.

  • Australia’s economy is still somewhat mixed with softness in retail spending and low inflation but the recent lift in iron ore and coal prices should help provide support into 2017.

If you have any questions regarding this report or would like to discuss your portfolio, please contact me directly.

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